POW-BRIDGE: Final Steering Group Meeting

POW-BRIDGE: Final Steering Group Meeting

The POW-BRIDGE project had its final Steering Group Meeting, on 9 December 2021.  The project coordinators of all seven partner organizations came together to  discuss lessons learned, best practices and ideas for future collaboration. In the POW-BRIDGE project coordinated by the European Centre, the partners delivered 8 case study reports, 8 policy briefs, 8 video…

Posting of Workers Directive’s interplay with national regulations

In the frame of the POW-BRIDGE, we have conducted eight case studies and published eight country reports on Austria, Hungary, Italy, North Macedonia, Poland, Serbia, Slovakia, and Slovenia. The country reports present how the Posting of Workers Directive interplay with national rules and regulations on social security, health insurance, temporary agency work, and company law….

Posting of Third Country Nationals – A comparative study

Report: Posting of Third Country Nationals – A comparative study by Cukut Krilić at al. The study compares the findings from three Con3Post regional reports on mobility and posting flows between EU-sending, EU-receiving and third countries, namely Slovenia, Austria and Bosnia and Herzegovina; Italy, Belgium, Tunisia and Morocco; and Poland, Finland, Estonia and Ukraine. The…

Here, not to stay! The posting of third country nationals to Austria

Policy Brief: Here, not to stay! The posting of third country nationals to Austria by Danaj et al. This Policy Brief describes the trend of the posting of third-country workers from Bosnia and Herzegovina via Slovenia to Austria and its drivers. It also discusses why workers from Bosnia and Herzegovina agree to be posted via…