Get to know our BB country Kosovo &
what we have done so far together.
Country at a glance

Capital city | Pristina |
Relation to the European Centre | Relationship established through BB peer reviews, common projects & events |
Country Fact Sheet (CFS) 2017 prepared by the Ministry of Labour & Social Policy | Download the full CFS |
Kosovo Peer Review
On 21-22 June 2022, the European Centre organised and facilitated the peer review “The integrated policy approach applied for vulnerable groups of society with the Active Inclusion Integration Platform (AIIP) of the Republic of Kosovo”.

Updated review of Western Balkan economies regarding the EPSR
The European Centre is currently updating the six reviews of the Western Balkan countries regarding the European Pillar of Social Rights (EPSR).

2nd BB Peer Review: The design of the social assistance benefit in Moldova
The Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of the Republic of Moldova and the European Centre organised an online Peer review on “The design of the social assistance benefit in Moldova: Improving targeting and supporting employment”, on 6-7 September 2022.

Systems in transition: Responding to changing attitudes, expectations and preferences on LTC in the Balkans
The team presents the results of the InCARE survey on attitudes, experiences and expectations on long-term care (LTC) for selected Balkan countries.