POW-BRIDGE final conference

The POW-BRIDGE (Bridging the gap between legislation and practice in the posting of workers) Final Conference took place on 9th November (9.00-13.30 CET) on the ZOOM platform. The conference brought together 85 participants representing public authorities, social partners and the research community from the eight project countries. The conference was opened by professor Fabio Perocco, University Ca’Foscari of Venice. Our colleague Sonila Danaj, POW-BRIDGE project coordinator, explained the project methodology and deliverables. In the next sessions, project partners presented findings on the posting regulatory framework and its intersection with other national regulation, public authorities practices and challenges with posting, posting companies practices and challenges, and posted workers protection mechanisms and challenges. During the engaging Round Table that followed, participants heard and discussed the insights provided by professor Silvia Borrelli, University of Ferrara, Jens Arnholtz, University of Copenhagen, Jean-Baptiste Boeri, DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, European Commission, and our colleague Sonila Danaj, who also delivered the concluding remarks. Throughout the conference participants could also watch the video podcasts produced in the frame of the POW-BRIDGE project.

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