Great success at the 2nd virtual BB Summer School

Great success at the 2nd virtual BB Summer School

The European Centre hosted with great success the second virtual 2021 BB Summer School on Evaluation in Social Policies, on 22-24 September 2021. 11 participants from the ‘Bridge building’ region, specifically Albania, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Moldova, North Macedonia, as well as Ukraine, and European Centre staff exchanged and enhanced knowledge in commissioning…

2021 BB Summer Schools: First of two virtual Summer Schools

2021 BB Summer Schools: First of two virtual Summer Schools

The European Centre hosted with great success the first virtual 2021 Summer School on Evaluation in Social Policies (Bridge Building), on 25-27 August. 13 participants from the ‘Bridge building’ region, like Albania, Azerbaijan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Moldova, North Macedonia, as well as Ukraine, and European Centre staff exchanged and enhanced knowledge in commissioning and conducting social policy-oriented monitoring and evaluation projects and programmes. We are looking forward…

25-27/8/21 BB Summer School of Evaluation in Social Policies

25-27/8/21 BB Summer School of Evaluation in Social Policies

The BB Summer School takes place on 25-27/8/21 as part of the Bridging Function of the European Centre. It aims to enhance skills and knowledge in commissioning and/or conducting social policy-oriented Monitoring and Evaluation projects and programmes. The BB Summer School will stimulate an interactive, participatory, and reflective learning among the participants and it will…

19/12/18 Local capacity building in Kosovo across divides

19/12/18 Local capacity building in Kosovo across divides

Key municipal and NGO stakeholders participated in 5 workshops across all regions in Kosovo to develop local action plans for improved social service delivery. This effort is part of the EU-funded project Support for better social services for the most vulnerable groups in Kosovo, which is led by Save the Children Kosovo in partnership with…

The BB Launch event: Building Bridges in Social Welfare Policy in Eastern Europe

The BB Launch event: Building Bridges in Social Welfare Policy in Eastern Europe

The European Centre organised the Launch event “Building Bridges in Social Welfare Policy in Eastern Europe” that took place on 19 September 2016 in Vienna. It aimed at exchanging expertise from researchers, policy makers and practitioners on Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, Kosovo, Macedonia*, Moldova**, Montenegro, Serbia, Turkey, and Ukraine. Scholars and experts…