Great success at the 2nd virtual BB Summer School

Great success at the 2nd virtual BB Summer School

The European Centre hosted with great success the second virtual 2021 BB Summer School on Evaluation in Social Policies, on 22-24 September 2021. 11 participants from the ‘Bridge building’ region, specifically Albania, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Moldova, North Macedonia, as well as Ukraine, and European Centre staff exchanged and enhanced knowledge in commissioning…

Meta-evaluation and evaluation standards in social policy

Meta-evaluation and evaluation standards in social policy

Meta-evaluation is an “evaluation of evaluations” to improve future evaluation work. As a highly relevant topic for professionals working in social policy, the third module of the virtual Bridge-Building Summer School of Evaluation in Social Policies (August 25-27, 2021) was about meta-evaluation and evaluation standards in social policy.

2021 BB Summer Schools: First of two virtual Summer Schools

2021 BB Summer Schools: First of two virtual Summer Schools

The European Centre hosted with great success the first virtual 2021 Summer School on Evaluation in Social Policies (Bridge Building), on 25-27 August. 13 participants from the ‘Bridge building’ region, like Albania, Azerbaijan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Moldova, North Macedonia, as well as Ukraine, and European Centre staff exchanged and enhanced knowledge in commissioning and conducting social policy-oriented monitoring and evaluation projects and programmes. We are looking forward…

Ideas and ReflectionsAbout the Application and Elaboration of the Social Quality Approach (Sqa) in Central & EasternEuropean countries: The Case of Ukraine

Working Paper 17: Ideas and Reflections About the Application and Elaboration of the Social Quality Approach (Sqa) in Central and Eastern European countries: The Case of Ukraine Starting Points of the previous international Joint Research Project Ukraine (INRU project), as well as new SQA-Projects in EuropeSouth-East Asia, Australia and Beyond The IASQ’s working papers are…

25-27/8/21 BB Summer School of Evaluation in Social Policies

25-27/8/21 BB Summer School of Evaluation in Social Policies

The BB Summer School takes place on 25-27/8/21 as part of the Bridging Function of the European Centre. It aims to enhance skills and knowledge in commissioning and/or conducting social policy-oriented Monitoring and Evaluation projects and programmes. The BB Summer School will stimulate an interactive, participatory, and reflective learning among the participants and it will…

Humanitarian aid from Ukrainian Charity “Turbota pro Litnif v Ukraini” to lonely people 70+ in Donbass: challenges, lessons learned and recommendations

The situation in Donbass is quite challenging due to the conflict and its consequences in the resident population. The TLU team used the new WJR grant of 10 000 GBP received in winter 2020-21 to make the necessary procurements and arrange the delivery of humanitarian aid to 384 residents aged 70+ in 14 villages located in the contact line.

Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the deinstitutionalization of child care reform in Ukraine

“The first wave” of the childcare deinstitutionalization reform in Ukraine started in 2008. As a result, since 2017, more than 90% of orphans and children deprived of parental care are raised in families or in family-type forms of care (under guardianship/custody, by relatives, in foster families, family-type child homes) according to the data of the Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine.

Posting of Third Country Nationals – A comparative study

Report: Posting of Third Country Nationals – A comparative study by Cukut Krilić at al. The study compares the findings from three Con3Post regional reports on mobility and posting flows between EU-sending, EU-receiving and third countries, namely Slovenia, Austria and Bosnia and Herzegovina; Italy, Belgium, Tunisia and Morocco; and Poland, Finland, Estonia and Ukraine. The…