Introducing Gender Equality Plans in research institutions

Introducing Gender Equality Plans in research institutions

Across research institutions, gender imbalances still exist and are widely tolerated: few of the top positions in academia are occupied by women, and women still experience slow career progression. To tackle these issues, it is important to define concrete objectives and employ measures on an individual, cultural and structural level.

EEPOW Workshop in FYROM

EEPOW Workshop in FYROM

The fourth country workshop happened in Skopje, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia on November 6, 2018. The workshop organized by the local partner, the organization PUBLIC with the support of the European Centre, brought together representatives from the Macedonian Ministry of Labour and Social Policy, the various ministerial directorates, the Labour Inspectorate, the social partners,…

EEPOW Kick-Off in Vienna

EEPOW Kick-Off in Vienna

The Posting of Workers in Eastern Europe (EEPOW) Project had its Kick-Off event in Vienna, Austria on the 27 and 28 February 2018. The project brought together eight partners and three associated partners, four from EU member states (Austria, Germany, Italy, Slovenia) and four candidate countries from the Western Balkans (Albania, FYROM, Montenegro, Serbia). The…