How to benefit from Bridge Building?
Bridging Building connects the knowledge and policy evidence on social welfare of the EU Member States with the Bridging Building (BB) countries.
Bridging Building connects the knowledge and policy evidence on social welfare of the EU Member States with the Bridging Building (BB) countries.
The European Centre hosted with great success the second virtual 2021 BB Summer School on Evaluation in Social Policies, on 22-24 September 2021. 11 participants from the ‘Bridge building’ region, specifically Albania, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Moldova, North Macedonia, as well as Ukraine, and European Centre staff exchanged and enhanced knowledge in commissioning…
Meta-evaluation is an “evaluation of evaluations” to improve future evaluation work. As a highly relevant topic for professionals working in social policy, the third module of the virtual Bridge-Building Summer School of Evaluation in Social Policies (August 25-27, 2021) was about meta-evaluation and evaluation standards in social policy.
The European Centre hosted with great success the first virtual 2021 Summer School on Evaluation in Social Policies (Bridge Building), on 25-27 August. 13 participants from the ‘Bridge building’ region, like Albania, Azerbaijan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Moldova, North Macedonia, as well as Ukraine, and European Centre staff exchanged and enhanced knowledge in commissioning and conducting social policy-oriented monitoring and evaluation projects and programmes. We are looking forward…
The European Centre is currently updating the six reviews of the Western Balkan countries regarding the European Pillar of Social Rights (EPSR).
The BB Summer School takes place on 25-27/8/21 as part of the Bridging Function of the European Centre. It aims to enhance skills and knowledge in commissioning and/or conducting social policy-oriented Monitoring and Evaluation projects and programmes. The BB Summer School will stimulate an interactive, participatory, and reflective learning among the participants and it will…
The findings of the Con3Post project indicated that immigration of third country national (TCN) workers is driven largely by economic discrepancies and wage disparities between the third countries and EU countries.
Report: Posting of Third Country Nationals – A comparative study by Cukut Krilić at al. The study compares the findings from three Con3Post regional reports on mobility and posting flows between EU-sending, EU-receiving and third countries, namely Slovenia, Austria and Bosnia and Herzegovina; Italy, Belgium, Tunisia and Morocco; and Poland, Finland, Estonia and Ukraine. The…
Policy Brief: Here, not to stay! The posting of third country nationals to Austria by Danaj et al. This Policy Brief describes the trend of the posting of third-country workers from Bosnia and Herzegovina via Slovenia to Austria and its drivers. It also discusses why workers from Bosnia and Herzegovina agree to be posted via…
At the beginning of April 2020, when we all have got convinced that the COVID-19 pandemic is likely to disrupt even more the environments in which social service users and social care beneficiaries live, and to have several negative consequences for their well-being and protection, the need for united activities of all social actors became imperative.