Ministers of Health and Labour to jointly tackle long-term care in Macedonia

The Ministers of the FYROM, Venko Filipce, Minister of Health, Mila Carovska, Minister of Labour and Social Policy as well as Harald Fugger, the Austrian Attaché of Labour, Social Affairs, Health and Consumer Protection addressed the need to develop integrated services for health and long-term care at the workshop in Skopje on 5 February 2019. Kai Leichsenring, Anette Scopetta and Rahel Kahlert from the European Centre showcased possible approaches and tools for technical assistance in long-term care interventions and labour market policy. Minister Filipce thanked the Austrian Ministry and the European Centre for the successful cooperation so far.

This Bridging Function is expected to continue in the future with the belief that the European Centre’s expert assistance will jointly help implement new projects and initiatives for integrated services in several sectors.

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