Impacts of Pandemics and Epidemics on Child Protection

Review: Impacts of Pandemics and Epidemics on Child Protection by Bakrania et al. – Lessons Learned from a Rapid Review in the Context of COVID-19 This rapid review collates and synthesizes evidence on the child protection impacts of COVID-19 (coronavirus) and previous pandemics, epidemics and infectious disease outbreaks. It provides lessons for global and national…

Here, not to stay! The posting of third country nationals to Austria

Policy Brief: Here, not to stay! The posting of third country nationals to Austria by Danaj et al. This Policy Brief describes the trend of the posting of third-country workers from Bosnia and Herzegovina via Slovenia to Austria and its drivers. It also discusses why workers from Bosnia and Herzegovina agree to be posted via…

Theory and practice of aging upon covid-19 pandemic

Journal article: Theory and practice of aging upon covid-19 pandemic by A. Sidorenko & A. Golubev Never before in history aging has been such a significant factor for epidemics as it is now for the current COVID-19 pandemic, which features a drastic shift of mortality towards older ages. Our analysis of data on COVID-19-related mortality in Spain,…