Introducing Gender Equality Plans in research institutions

Introducing Gender Equality Plans in research institutions

Across research institutions, gender imbalances still exist and are widely tolerated: few of the top positions in academia are occupied by women, and women still experience slow career progression. To tackle these issues, it is important to define concrete objectives and employ measures on an individual, cultural and structural level.

Serbia: Posting from a candidate country and its implications for the social protection of workers

Serbia: Posting from a candidate country and its implications for the social protection of workers

Posting workers as a concept is not straightforward and it is often confused with some forms of emigration. Four situations are related to the concept of posting. Different situations imply different policy responses, though there are common recommendations for all. The clarification of the workers status is the first step in identifying the social protection…

Posting of Workers Directive’s interplay with national regulations

In the frame of the POW-BRIDGE, we have conducted eight case studies and published eight country reports on Austria, Hungary, Italy, North Macedonia, Poland, Serbia, Slovakia, and Slovenia. The country reports present how the Posting of Workers Directive interplay with national rules and regulations on social security, health insurance, temporary agency work, and company law….

Criminal Law Protection of People with Disabilities against Discrimination in the Republic of Serbia

Persons with disabilities in the Republic of Serbia are a very sensitive category that is discriminated against in multiple ways and excluded from the main social aspects. The mechanisms of protecting persons with disabilities, securing equal representation and their complete integration are achieved through adequate legislation and criminal laws, and also special protection in big crisis such as pandemic COVID-19.

An Interactive OnLine Platform for students and Practitioners of Social Work in Serbia and the wider region

At the beginning of April 2020, when we all have got convinced that the COVID-19 pandemic is likely to disrupt even more the environments in which social service users and social care beneficiaries live, and to have several negative consequences for their well-being and protection, the need for united activities of all social actors became imperative.

Crisis in Serbia: Economic Measures regarding the Coronavirus Situation

In periods of crisis caused by major social upheavals such as the current coronavirus pandemic (SARS-CoV-2), society is derailed with great consequences to social institutions and people’s lives. The states’ response to this challenge is varied, although most countries are implementing measures to regulate the market and its basic principles in order to meet the subsistence minimum and ensure the socio-economic security of their citizens.