Great success at the 2nd virtual BB Summer School

Great success at the 2nd virtual BB Summer School

The European Centre hosted with great success the second virtual 2021 BB Summer School on Evaluation in Social Policies, on 22-24 September 2021. 11 participants from the ‘Bridge building’ region, specifically Albania, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Moldova, North Macedonia, as well as Ukraine, and European Centre staff exchanged and enhanced knowledge in commissioning…

2021 BB Summer Schools: First of two virtual Summer Schools

2021 BB Summer Schools: First of two virtual Summer Schools

The European Centre hosted with great success the first virtual 2021 Summer School on Evaluation in Social Policies (Bridge Building), on 25-27 August. 13 participants from the ‘Bridge building’ region, like Albania, Azerbaijan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Moldova, North Macedonia, as well as Ukraine, and European Centre staff exchanged and enhanced knowledge in commissioning and conducting social policy-oriented monitoring and evaluation projects and programmes. We are looking forward…

25-27/8/21 BB Summer School of Evaluation in Social Policies

25-27/8/21 BB Summer School of Evaluation in Social Policies

The BB Summer School takes place on 25-27/8/21 as part of the Bridging Function of the European Centre. It aims to enhance skills and knowledge in commissioning and/or conducting social policy-oriented Monitoring and Evaluation projects and programmes. The BB Summer School will stimulate an interactive, participatory, and reflective learning among the participants and it will…

MACRO conference 2018 in Chisinau: Social investments in focus

MACRO conference 2018 in Chisinau: Social investments in focus

Moldovan policy experts and scientists met during the 6th MACRO conference 2018 in Chisinau on 19 October 2018 to discuss Moldova’s attractiveness for international investments. While public authorities, local businesses, and civil society discussed the role of private and public investment for the countrie’s economic development, the European Centre highlighted the need for social investments….

17-18/09/2018: Invitation to the Vienna EUROMOD Workshop

The European Centre together with ISER/University of Essex (United Kingdom) invites for the Vienna EUROMOD Workshop, taking place at the Austria Trend Hotel Ananas from 17 – 18 September 2018. The Wokshop comprises the following sessions: Tax-benefit microsimulation in Austria (17 September, morning) Western BalkanMod initiative of the Eastern European Social Policy Network (17 September,…