2nd BB Peer Review: The design of the social assistance benefit in Moldova
The Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of the Republic of Moldova and the European Centre organised an online Peer review on “The design of the social assistance benefit in Moldova: Improving targeting and supporting employment”, on 6-7 September 2022. Representatives from ministries & public authorities from Armenia, Austria, Moldova, Kosovo, Georgia and Ukraine discussed Moldova’s approach towards minimum income guarantee and its attempts to improve social assistance targeting for the most vulnerable groups of society (e.g. families with children, persons outside the labour market, pensioners). The aim was to share practical information about the ongoing reform of the Moldovan system on social assistance benefits and its link to labour market activation measures (benefit levels, integrated approaches etc.). Read more
Moldovan Peer Review Snapshots
Moldovan initial situation

The Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of the Republic of Moldova and the European Centre hosted a Peer Review to find ways to improve the transition of social assistance beneficiaries from benefits into employment.
‘The individual approach’

The European Centre experts presented the individualised approach to labour market integration which is characterised by tailoring support to beneficiaries’ specific needs (e.g. childcare for parents, assistance for people with disabilities, differences between urban/rural regions) instead of a one-size-fits all policy.
Mutual learning among peer countries

Representatives from ministries, public authorities & stakeholders from Armenia and Kosovo discussed this approach by building on policies and experiences from their own countries.